Being rejected sucks! There is no polite way of wording it- It just sucks! No one likes to wake up every day and be reminded of failures, because often that is EXACTLY what a rejection feels like. That denial letter from the school you were hoping to get into, that polite call saying, "I'm sorry you don't qualify," that talk " I love everything about you, but it's just not for me," these are all rejections that SUCK! Sitting in a pile of rejection feels as if you are sitting in a pile of you know what. In these moments it's so difficult to see the greatness our Heavenly Papa has planned for us. Rejection is the fertilizer to our insecurities, allowing them to flourish.
In the Bible, a love letter written just for us, there are countless stories of men and women who faced rejection. Jeremiah was called at birth to be a prophet of the Lord and speak to the people, but nobody followed him. Despite his failure of being heard, he remained faithful. Shadrach, Meshach and Abenego were rejected in to a fiery furnace because they refused to worship another God and because of their faithfulness the Lord rescued them. Jesus Christ, our Beautiful Savior and friend, was denied 3 times by the very apostle he poured into and to add salt to the wound he was taken to the cross to be rejected by the rest of the world. Because Jesus complied with OUR rejection, we do not have to be rejected. Rejection is inevitable, especially when you make a decision to pick up your cross daily and live for the King. When rejection comes our way may we turn to the Lord for strength and allow HIM to flourish rather than our insecurities that remind us we will never be enough. Our Heavenly Papa says we are enough and will NEVER reject our commitment to him. When we recognize that there is ALWAYS an acceptance letter waiting for us in the Kingdom of Heaven, we will begin to see we are Beautifully Made!
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