Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A Beautiful Fall

Those days are going to happen. The days when we know we have gone against what we believe and what we are told to do. It's inevitable that we will have days we are for this world and not for our Heavenly Papa. When those days happen, you don't feel your best. I know I don't. When I have those moments I can't bear to look at myself because I don't feel very Beautiful or very worthy of my Heavenly Papa's love. I recently wrote about disappointing people and how that leaves us feeling worthless, but what hurts even more is disappointing My Heavenly Papa.
 I  am writing this and all i can hear in my head is "I will Always love you." Tears are falling down my face. There's that Grace and Mercy. 
Our God loves us so much. He sent his one and only son to pardon our sins! We are his treasures, regardless if we feel like a treasure or not. Many of us have sins we are not proud of weather,  they are in the past or in our future. We must do our best to live righteous and pure lives, but we must remember WE ARE HUMAN and because of that we have a beautiful savior to catch us when we fall. We will fall, but he will makes us pure as snow. It is impossible to live a perfect life as Jesus did, but that's what wer are called to strive for. In our striving we will have those days when we live for this world and we will need the Holy Spirit to wash us pure and when it does our hearts will be humbled and we will see that we are beautifully made.

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