I am a fan of dance. Often I am the first on the dance floor and last to get off, but that does not make me a dancer. Actually I am not even close to being a dancer, I am wiggler at best. However, I can appreciate a beautiful work of dance. So you THink you can Dance is a brilliant show because all these AMAZING dancers put their dancing on the line to challenge themselves and to show the world, there true Love in life. As a lover of Christ this show reveals to me the gifts that our papa wants to bestow upon us, but also how he longs for us to indulge in those gifts and have him romance us in our true loves.
A struggle of mine these past couple weeks is being reassured i have a purpose. I have never been the most talented at anything really. When i try things I am not terrible but it's never my niche. I often wish our papa would have blessed me with a natural talent for dancing so i could feel as those dancers do.
It's monsoon season here in Flag and its warm yet the rain is falling like mad. The rain was falling very fiercely today and in the midst of that i felt the need to go and dance in the rain. I had my cheesy movie moment with no shoes, tore up jean shorts and ratty t-shirt, twirling in the rain worshiping our Heavenly Papa. In that moment I knew my niche- to be loved and cherish by our heavenly papa and thats enough for him and quite frankly for me.
The world tells us we should find something we love and excel at it, so that we can make money and live comfortably. THe things is our papa loves us regardless if we know how to dance or paint or are a super genius or know what our purpose is. We are each given a niche and I believe he wants us to honor him in that and in honoring him we create this life that when others witness it, it is as if they are watching a beautiful dance.
He wants you to know you are beautifully made.
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