I excel at being loud and obnoxious. My friends tell me they can hear my voice all the way across a room. My presence is known, but not in the pleasant, graceful movie way. My presence seems to be more like a stampede of elephants. I often feel I am labeled as "Crazy Loud Girl." Carrying that impression unveils insecurities I never thought I would encounter. To avoid those insecurities, I try to silence myself, weather it be in a crowd or by myself. However, I found being silent is much more uncomfortable than being the "crazy loud girl." I'd rather hold onto the fear that maybe I am annoying, than to sit in the quiet of my thirsty insecure heart. It is in the though, that the Lord can speak loud truths and demolish all insecurities being thrown at us.
Elijah was a major prophet of the Lord, who was very faithful. In 1 Kings 19:11-18, Elijah was called to go on a mountain top all by himself. On that mountain top the Lord sent a furious windstorm, and then an earthquake, and then a fire, yet in all that power his voice was not present. When the chaos had ceased and all was calm and quiet, the Lord gently "whispered" into Elijah's ear, affirming who he was meant to be for the Holy Kingdom. Our Heavenly Papa longs to bring glory in the silence. Another incidence of silence comes from our savior. Just before Jesus was crucified he was put on trial twice by two different Judges, Pilate and King Herod. In Luke 22:8-9 it states that, "Herod was delighted to see Jesus because of the miracles he heard of." But during the questioning form Herod, "Jesus refused to answer." His silence led to our eternal salvation. Jesus knew that if he said a word to Herod, the King would continue his delight in him and order Jesus not be killed. Jesus knew that he must be crucified, so that all of man kind could have a chance to live. What beautiful silence!
Being silent can often feel uncomfortable, but when we give it a proper chance our Papa has time to "WOW" us with his precious words. When we take the time to silence our worlds we will begin to hear that we are beautifully made.